Articles of Potential Interest

This tool will allow you to search for articles from the NBDPN Articles of Potential Interest (API) database back to 1998.The API database is comprised of selected articles that may be of interest to NBDPN members. This database is updated from a weekly publication search generated by the CDC. Currently the search terms are: birth defects, congenital anomalies, congenital malformations, neural tube defects, folic acid, congenital heart defects, oral facial clefts, fetal alcohol syndrome, trisomies, and fetal defects. Meeting abstracts, letters, some reviews, and some articles in foreign languages are excluded.
Search Field
Search Terms
Author's Last Name
Publication Year
Abstract Keywords

1. One (i.e. author's last name) or more fields (with specific information such as year of publication, PMID, etc) can be entered to get results.
2. A sub-string can be entered without using the wild cards (*).