2025 National Folic Acid Awareness Week
National Folic Acid Awareness Week is September 14-20, 2025

During Folic Acid Awareness Week (FAAW), we invite you to connect with NBDPN to celebrate the successes of folic acid in preventing serious birth defects of the spine and brain.
These birth defects, including spina bifida and anencephaly, are types of neural tube defects (NTD) that develop very early in pregnancy, before most people even know they are pregnant. Folic acid is a B-vitamin that is necessary for proper cell growth. If taken, either as a supplement or in fortified food, before and during early pregnancy, folic acid can prevent up to 70% of these serious birth defects. People considering pregnancy should take at least 400mcg of folic acid every day.
Please help us share this key information with your friends, family, and networks!
Sunday 9/8 - Saturday 9/14
Social media messaging from NBDPN
Sunday 9/8 - Saturday 9/14
Member Listening Session
Connect with us! The Folic Acid Awareness Week NBDPN workgroup is planning a member listening session of a new podcast, followed by a brief Q&A.
The member listening session will be held on September 10th at 3pm EST via Zoom. Zoom Registration Required. It is ok to join even if you aren't an "official" NBDPN member.
View the FAAW Listening Session Teaser
Partner Toolkits
The CDC FAAW toolkit is available at https://www.cdc.gov/folic-acid/php/era-toolkit/index.html.
Click here to view the Food Fortification Initiative toolkits and resources.

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Social Media (Spanish)

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Sample Messaging / Suggested Text for Posts
General posts about folic acid
Today marks the start of Folic Acid Awareness Week. Tune in this week to learn more about folic acid and why it's important! #InMyFolicAcidEra
In 1992, the U.S. Public Health Service (USPHS) recommended people capable of becoming pregnant consume 400mcg of folic acid daily to reduce the risk of neural tube defects (NTDs). #InMyFolicAcidEra
En 1992, el Servicio de Salud Pública de los EE. UU. recomendó a todas las mujeres que pueden quedar embarazadas que tomen un suplemento con 400mcg de ácido fólico al día para prevenir defectos del tubo neural. #MiEraDelÁcidoFólico
Did you know that about 2,300 pregnancies are affected by a defect of the spine (spina bifida) or brain (anencephaly) every year in the US? These conditions are also known as neural tube defects or NTDs. Up to 70% of NTDs can be prevented if people who can become pregnant take daily folic acid BEFORE becoming pregnant and during early pregnancy. #InMyFolicAcidEra
Many states monitor how many babies are born with neural tube defects (NTDs) like anencephaly and spina bifida. Data from state programs show there were about 7 babies born with an NTD for evety 10,000 live births. Folic acid helps prevent these birth defects! Take your folic acid every day. #InMyFolicAcidEra
While many foods that include wheat flour are fortified with folic acid in the United States, other common staple foods like corn masa flour, are not fortified often. This is one reason why Latine people are more likely to have babies born with neural tube defects. No matter your diet, make sure to take 400mcg of folic acid daily. #InMyFolicAcidEra
Did you know that NTDs, birth defects of the spine and brain, form before a person even knows they are pregnant? That's why you should get 400mcg of folic acid every day if there is a chance you could become pregnant. #InMyFolicAcidEra
Timing is important! Neural tube defects (NTDs) form very early in pregnancy, before most people even know they are pregnant. People who can become pregnant and who are of childbearing age should take 400mcg of folic acid daily to ensure they have enough in their system to reduce the risk of an NTD should they become pregnant. #InMyFolicAcidEra
Some people only start taking a multivitamin when they get pregnant, but it is important to also take a daily vitamin with 400mcg of folic acid BEFORE pregnancy to prevent serious birth defects like spina bifida and anencephaly. #InMyFolicAcidEra
Did you know you would have to eat 4 cups of broccoli a day in order to reach your recommended daily folic acid intake? Even if you eat a healthy diet, it's difficult to get enough, so take a daily vitamin with 400mcg of folic acid! Most multivitamins and other folic acid supplements have at least 400mcg per tablet. #InMyFolicAcidEra
Posts for people not planning a pregnancy
- Folic acid is a B vitamin that is important in making new cells. Folic acid protects the health of people throughout their life. Even if you eat a healthy diet, it's difficult to get enough, so take a daily vitamin with 400mcg of folic acid! #InMyFolicAcidEra
- So, you have your vitamins with folic acid, but just can't seem to remember to take them daily? Use a pillbox, set doses where you see them (at work/school, on nightstand), take it when you brush your teeth, set a daily alarm, or use an app! You can do it! #InMyFolicAcidEra
- Multivitamins too pricey? Try store brands or a folic acid-only supplement. Or check with your state health department to see if there are free/discounted vitamin programs in your area! #InMyFolicAcidEra
- Some pharmacies have free vitamin programs to ensure people who can become pregnant can get their daily folic acid to help prevent birth defects in a future pregnancy. Find a pharmacy that participates in a vitamin program at https://www.mygnp.com/pharmacies/programs/healthy-kids-free-vitamins/ #InMyFolicAcidEra
- Worried about taking folic acid? Even if you have an MTHFR variant, you can process all types of folate, including folic acid. Check out @CDC for the latest information on folic acid and MTHFR variants at https://www.cdc.gov/folic-acid/data-research/mthfr/ #InMyFolicAcidEra
- Need a little more self-care? Start by taking a multivitamin that has folic acid in it everyday! #InMyFolicAcidEra
- You are worth taking care of! Improve your self-care routine with a multivitamin that includes folic acid. #InMyFolicAcidEra
- Many states monitor how many babies are born with neural tube defects (NTDs) like anencephaly and spina bifida. Daily folic acid helps prevent these birth defects! People who may become pregnant should take 400mcgs of folic acid every day (even if you're not planning a pregnancy)! #InMyFolicAcidEra
Posts for people planning a pregnancy
- Timing is important! Neural tube defects (NTD) form very early in pregnancy, before most people even recognize they are pregnant. People who can become pregnant should take 400mcg of folic acid daily to ensure they have enough in their system to reduce the risk of an NTD should they become pregnant. #InMyFolicAcidEra
- Did you know that NTDs, birth defects of the spine and brain, form before a person even knows they are pregnant? That's why people who can become pregnant should get 400mcg of folic acid every day. #InMyFolicAcidEra
- Some people only start taking a multivitamin when they get pregnant, but it is important to also take a daily vitamin with 400mcg of folic acid BEFORE pregnancy to prevent serious birth defects like spina bifida and anencephaly. #InMyFolicAcidEra
- Worried about taking folic acid? Even if you have an MTHFR variant, you can process all types of folate, including folic acid. Check out @CDC for the latest information on folic acid and MTHFR variants at https://www.cdc.gov/folic-acid/data-research/mthfr/ #InMyFolicAcidEra
- Planning to get pregnant soon? Start a healthy habit today and get 400mcg of folic acid every day. #InMyFolicAcidEra
- ¿Planeas quedar embarazada pronto? Comienza un hábito saludable hoy y toma 400mcg de ácido fólico todos los días. #MiEraDelÁcidoFólico
Post for Health Care Providers
- Health care providers, what you say matters! Remember to advise people who can become pregnant to take a vitamin with 400mcg of folic acid daily to help prevent serious birth defects of the spine and brain, regardless of their intention to become pregnant. #InMyFolicAcidEra
- Timing is important! Neural tube defects (NTD) form very early in pregnancy, before most people even realize they are pregnant. Patients/clients should take 400mcg of folic acid daily to ensure they have enough in their system to reduce the risk of an NTD should they become pregnant. #InMyFolicAcidEra
- Let's celebrate over 30 years of preventing serious birth defects of the spine and brain! In 1992, the U.S. Public Health Service (USPHS) recommended people capable of becoming pregnant consume 400mcg of folic acid daily to reduce the risk of neural tube defects (NTDs). #InMyFolicAcidEra
Infographic WITH NBDPN branding/ logos

Infographic WITHOUT NBDPN branding/ logos

March of Dimes
- Before or Between Pregnancies: Folic Acid
- PeriStats Maternal and Infant Health-related Data
- Folic Acid: self-reported multivitamin use in the month before pregnancy
- Birth Defects: prevalence of Spina Bfida or Anencephaly
Unique Tools and Resources from State Programs
Food Folate Food Game - Florida Folic Acid Coalition
Plan meals with foods high in folate below and supplement with 400mcg of folic acid!
Folic Acid: Your Vitamin For Life - Arkansas Folic Acid Coalition website
Folic Acid Take it for Your Health - Michigan Department of Community Health
Brochures featuring women from diverse communities available in English, Arabic, and Spanish
Recent Publications
Folic Acid and the Prevention of Birth Defects: 30 Years of Opportunity and Controversies
Changes in Spina Bifida Lesion Level After Folic Acid Fortification in the US
Mai CT, Evans J, Alverson CJ, et al. Changes in Spina Bifida Lesion Level After Folic Acid Fortification in the US [published online ahead of print, 2022 Jun 27]. J Pediatr. 2022;S0022-3476(22)00597-2. doi:10.1016/j.jpeds.2022.06.023
Trends in Multivitamin Use Among Women of Reproductive Age: United States, 2006-2016
Wong EC, Rose CE, Flores AL, Yeung LF. Trends in Multivitamin Use Among Women of Reproductive Age: United States, 2006-2016. J Womens Health (Larchmt). 2019;28(1):37-45. doi:10.1089/jwh.2018.7075
Page Citations
- Folic Acid Supplementation to Prevent Neural Tube Defects
Viswanathan M, Urrutia RP, Hudson KN, et al. Rockville (MD): Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (US); 2023 Aug. (Evidence Synthesis, No. 230.) Chapter 1, Introduction.
- Get Enough Folic Acid
Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health, Office of the Secretary, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services; 2024 Jun. Overview.
- National population-based estimates for major birth defects, 2016-2020
Stallings, E. B., Isenburg, J. L., Rutkowski, R. E., Kirby, R. S., Nembhard, W.N., Sandidge, T., Villavicencio, S., Nguyen, H. H., McMahon, D. M., Nestoridi, E., Pabst, L. J. Birth Defects Research. 2024 Jan;116(1), e2301. doi: 10.1002/bdr2.2301. PMID: 38277408; PMCID: PMC10898112.
Social Media Messaging
We have created content you can use to help spread the word about folic acid during Folic Acid Awareness Week (FAAW) or any time throughout the year!
Below are images with and without the NBDPN logo, so states and partners can use the images while staying within their communication policies. The version without NBDPN’s logo is available in both English and Spanish.
Social Media Images WITH NBDPN branding/logos
Please use these images created by NBDPN to create your own folic acid posts.